High Country’s Cemetery Tour – Stories of the Past

Cemetery tours can be both beautiful and eerie experiences, particularly at night. With proper planning and safety precautions in place, cemetery tours can become unforgettable experiences for families.

Noble offers extensive academic knowledge and captivating storytelling abilities, keeping participants entertained during every tour stop. Participants appreciate this ability of keeping them interested throughout.

City of the Dead

City of the Dead or Al Qarafa offers an oasis of peace within Cairo’s bustling streets: this large cemetery with rows upon rows of above-ground tombs housing Egypt’s noble and poor alike has been called one of the “world’s most fascinating cemeteries” by Mark Twain and should not be missed when traveling through Egypt’s rich history and culture. An integral part of Egyptian culture, Al Qarafa serves as a reminder that life must be appreciated every moment by visitors to Cairo.

The City of the Dead is famed for its haunting atmosphere, picturesque gravestones and striking statues. Many gravestones in this haunted landscape depict warriors fighting trolls, orcs, bugbears, hobgoblins and griffon riders while their shields and breastplates display ancient cultures and mythologies – making the City of the Dead an absolute must-see destination for fans of horror movies, history and art!

Whitewood Cemetery lies five kilometers from the City of the Dead and features an intimate setting. It boasts well-kept grounds and tombs restored to their former glory; in fact, Whitewood is home to numerous notable individuals, including writer William Shakespeare and painter Edgar Allen Poe.

This film blends elements of historical drama with action adventure, featuring an exceptional cast including Tom Savini (special effects artist from Dawn of the Dead, Day of the Dead and Night of the Living Dead films), John Llewellyn Moxey (director of Re-Animator horror movie), Mary Beth Hughes (actress). With such an excellent lineup behind them it is no wonder this has become one of the most beloved movies in history.

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The City of the Dead has made an imprintful mark on horror. Its masterful storytelling, captivating characters, and haunting atmosphere continue to resonate with audiences today. To commemorate its cultural importance, numerous special editions and releases of The City of the Dead have been made available so fans can immerse themselves in this timeless masterpiece.

Historical Fiction

Historical Fiction is literature that uses fiction to explore past events, often within a particular time period. At its core, historical fiction may take the form of costume drama or period drama that attempts to capture the atmosphere and mood of bygone eras, though its definition extends further and can include work that attempts to adhere to all seven elements of good writing: character dialogue setting theme plot conflict – thus offering readers a new way to understand history as part of human experience and appreciate courage required for facing conflict.

Although sometimes considered silly bodice rippers filled with anachronisms, authors like Hilary Mantel, Eleanor Catton and Kristin Hannah have solidified this genre’s standing as serious literary works which explore history in all its complexity through compelling, engaging narratives that explore underexplored areas or reveal viewpoints not often addressed by traditional historians and explore how we perceive past events today.

Writing historical fiction requires many things; some authors attempt to follow historical fact accurately while others focus on creating compelling narratives and characters to bring the historical period alive for readers. Some writers, like Lion Feuchtwanger and Howard Fast, used historical fiction as a platform to challenge dominant cultural ideas through depictions of marginalized individuals or to question social assumptions of their day; other embraced it as an avenue to write about war horrors such as William Faulkner in Absalom, Absalom! or Denis Johnson in Tree of Smoke.

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Other writers of historical fiction, like British authors Jill Paton Walsh, Penelope Lively and Rosemary Sutcliff, have become popular in America because of their strict attention to historical details. Others like Michael Ondaatje, Tatiana de Rosnay and Roberto Bolao use historical fiction as an opportunity to examine historic events from different perspectives or examine issues still pertinent today; other works use fantastical elements within an existing historical setting like historiographic metafiction or author Salman Rushdie/Thomas Pynchon’s works among others.

Historical Fantasy

Historical Fantasy is an engaging storytelling genre that marries history with magic to produce unique tales of adventure. This can range from swapping out elements of historical events with fantastical ones – for instance adding dragons to Napoleonic wars or envisioning a suffragette movement complete with witches – or taking an in-depth approach by altering major historical events or creating alternative timelines altogether.

History and fantasy fiction provide authors with endless creative potential, enabling them to explore an array of themes and issues through an engaging yet thought-provoking lens. Furthermore, history-themed fantasies offer new insights into well-known topics while at the same time giving authors new inspiration.

There are various subgenres within this genre that each offer their own take on blending history with fantasy. Some of the more popular are:

Fantasy in an Historical Setting

This type of Fantasy involves inserting magical or supernatural elements into actual historical world and time periods. This may range from inserting dragons into Napoleonic battles to using magic mages to start London’s Great Fire of 1666 as seen in Jessie Burton’s novel The Miniaturist by Jessie Burton or altering history by changing significant events such as in Stephen King’s 11/22/63 where characters use time travel to try and stop John F Kennedy from being assassinated.

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Genre fiction often showcases medieval European culture and society, often featuring monarchical governments with feudal social structures as central components. Additionally, mythical creatures from European folklore or legends and mythologies from antiquity may also appear.

Many authors utilize real historical figures and events as the foundation of their stories, lending an air of authenticity to Historical Fantasy works. This allows authors to build familiarity and connection with readers while making it easier for them to suspend disbelief – an example being Nadine Brandes’ Romanov and Fawkes novels which incorporate real historical figures such as Anastasia Romanov and Guy Fawkes as plot elements.